Rollup/Cutout Standees


Brandvision offers customized Rollup/Cutout Standees in all specifications within the customers specified budget and requirements.

A cut out standee is typically made of an inkjet print mounted on a 3 mm or 5 mm sun board (very light sheet of plastic). At Orchid, we print out the image on photo vinyl on our Roland or HP 5000 inkjet printers. Laminating the print is an option offered to the customer if s/he wants to increase the life of the print. The print is then mounted on the sun board using our hydraulic XL Jet laminator.

  • Rollup Cutout Standees
  • Rollup Cutout Standees
  • Rollup Cutout Standees
  • Rollup Cutout Standees
  • Rollup Cutout Standees